
PUNta COmEta

The far west end of Mazunte beach is bordered by Punta Cometa (Comet Point), which is a small peninsula or mountain that juts out from the shoreline. Punta Cometa is also called Cerro Sagrado or “Sacred Hill”. It is the southernmost point of the state of Oaxaca and an important stopping place for migratory birds and marine mammals such as whales.

In pre-Hispanic times this area was a military enclave of the Aztecs, who constructed a small wall around Punta Cometa, the remains of which are locally called the “corral de piedra” or stone corral. During the colonial period, the area was a stronghold for both Spanish forces and pirates who used Punta Cometa’s location to survey the seas at 180 degrees of visibility. There are also stories about Aztec and or pirate treasure hidden at Punta Cometa.

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